Hedgehogs are nocturnal prey animals - so when found out in the day, this goes against their natural behaviour and are therefore likely to be very sick. Even if eating and walking around, these animals are 'programmed' to do that, it's their instinct to survive and hide any weakness - therefore it does not necessarily mean that the hedgehog is healthy and well.
Time is vital - the sooner poorly hedgehogs can reach us, the better chance we have of saving them.

New arrivals
Sadly most of the hedgehogs we see are very poorly when they arrive.
Upon arrival we give each hedgehog a full health check. In the summer., they will often be suffering with Flystrike. Removal of fly eggs / maggots is a priority and can take hours but is vital to their health and welfare.
We provide critical care consisting of heat, fluids, relevant medication & close monitoring. Sadly sometimes it is too late but if we can get them through the first 36 hours - we stand a fair chance of releasing a healthy hedgehog back into the wild.

Veterinary Support
Although we have been trained to provide first aid and critical care to hedgehogs, we are not vets and importantly are aware of our limitations.
We can administer fluids and medications, treat flystrike, conduct faecal samples, treat parasites and fungal infections (eg. ringworm), treat wounds, provide hoglet and juvenile care and rehabilitation - but sometimes more help is required. We work with two veterinary practices who are excellent in providing support when needed.

Recovery can take weeks or months.
Every hedgehog taken into our care is monitored and weighed daily.
Release weight depends on time of year and individual hedgehogs.
We have a variety of cages and pens available and passionately believe in providing enrichment to reduce stress whilst in captivity and aid rehabilitation.
Commonly found parasites

Roundworm (Capillaria)
Roundworm eggs are the most common parasite seen in hedgehogs. All hedgehogs will have some degree of infection, however when they become ill, the parasitic infection becomes a challenge and can soon cause problem such as weight loss and gut infections.

Fluke infections occur from eating slugs (which ate as the intermediate host). Fluke can be extremely painful and fatal if not identified and treated effectively.
Lungworm (Crenosoma)
Lungworm, as the name suggests reside in the lung and causes a chesty cough in hedgehogs. These parasite also can be identified via faecal sampling - as the hedgehogs cough up the lungworms they are ingested and make their way through the digestive system to be found in the faeces.